Sunday, November 21, 2010

1000 Random Acts of Culture!

The last weekend in October, shoppers at the the Macy's in Philadelphia (the old Wanamaker building) were surprised when over 600 choristers who were there mingling with regular shoppers suddenly burst into Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. Accompanied by the Wanamaker Organ - the world's largest pipe organ - the singers burst into song at exactly noon. It's pretty awesome.

This was part of what is called "1000 Random Acts of Culture"  the Knight Foundation will be doing over the next three years across the country. 
I got goosebumps just from watching.....can't imagine what it must have been like to have been there in person! Awesome job!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Font Happiness!

Being an avid scrapbooker and graphic designer, I LOVE fonts! 
I came across, a site that has a page called Fonts for Peas and they will make a font of your own handwriting! How sweet it that! 
Scrapbookers always say that doing journaling in your own handwriting is a must so it will be preserved and seen for generations! Doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but don't you just love a handwritten note from someone and without even looking at the signature, you know instantly who it's from? With our computer age, handwriting and penmanship are almost a lost art. Thought this personal font was a great way to blend the old with the new! ( or maybe it's just cuz I'm too lazy to sit down and pick up a pen!)
So, anyway...I followed that instructions on the site and will let you know when I get "my font" back...of course, I named it "jomarie!"

Here's the site....take a look!
Just love their sense of humor!
Actually today's post on their site was about making your blogging experience better...
looks like some great suggestions!

Friday, November 12, 2010

All 'Bout Etsy

I discovered Etsy after my oldest daughter opened a "shop" on it.....what an awesome way to showcase your talent and earn some extra cash while your at it! I tried the craft fair circuit a number of years children were small and I just didn't have the time to build up a inventory to make it really worth it. I haven't forgotten how fulfilling it was to sew and craft each'm thinkin'....maybe Etsy is the way to go? We'll see....I'll sure to keep you posted.
My direct supervisor at work has this amazing wardrobe of rings....seems everyday where is a different one to match her outfit. These aren't just small, unassuming rings....instead they are on the larger side with  sweet, shabby chic twist to them. Well I came across a Etsy shop called The Ardent Sparrow that has "A Ring of the Month" Club..... This club was featured on The Ardent Sparrow blog and this is how the club was described:  "One unique (not otherwise sold) ring each month, shipped out to you (or a friend) on the first Tuesday of every month"

I'd encourage to check out the shop and see the beautiful rings, plus so much more!

Here's one of my personal fav''s a limited edition. Just might have to go on "someone's" Christmas list!

Hey, aren't you proud of me.....two posts in one week....maybe I'm getting the hang of this blogging!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Stuck In a Rut! I started this blog last Monday.....have I blogged any since.....uh, no!
So I felt stuck in a rut, until.....yesterday morning, I was reminded by our Creator that He is there through all the "stuff" that clouds, fogs up our day.....He shines through it all to encourage us to purposefully "choose joy!"

This picture was taken from my upstairs window.... it was a very foggy morning, but as the sun began to rise I was given a beautiful reminder of God's constant and unwavering love for me and you. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome November!

Welcome to my blog....what a better time to start than on the first day of a new month!
November  is "stuck between the delicious colorful fall month of October and the blustery holiday wonderland of December." November gives me the time to reflect on those precious blessings I have been given.....and I have no choice but to "choose joy!"

I recently took this picture while on a getaway to the Apostle Islands....the colors were simply breathtaking! I applied a vintage look to the photo to mute the colors just how it turned out.